August 30, 2010

LIfe is a journey ... hold on !!!

As I sit here tonight i'm shocked and amazed that my kids are starting school in 2 days and they are really growing up.  In less then 48 hours Nicole will be starting 8th grade, her last year of middle school and Ryan will be starting 5th grade, his last year of elementary school. I remember the day they each started kindergarden and the scarry thing is it doesn't seem like that long ago. Time flies and it reminds me how precious it is. This year I hope to enjoy my kids, my life, my friends and family. I want to make a difference in the lives of people I love and care about. I want my kids to continue to grow and learn to be nice productive students. I love where we are and as much as i'm scarred where we are at ... I can't wait to see what is waiting for our family. LIFE ....
bring it on and let's face it with a big smile and open heart...

Volleyball has begun !!!!

A new season .... Nicole has started a new season of volleyball and is off to a great start.
The Buccaneers took all 3 games this weekend. Nicole was awesome, hits, serves, digs and slides... Great Job ....

August 28, 2010

Birthday Bliss

Yesterday I was blessed to spend a fabulous day with my BFF"s celebrating my birthday and Heather's. Lunch at Corner Bakery, 2 movies (The Swtich and Eat Love Pray), dinner at Cheesecake Factory, shopping and birthday presernts ... A Women's Perfect day ....
Thank's B and Heather for wonderful day and gifts...

When you look at your life and realize the gifts you have been given ... you just have to say
"Thank You"  a great husband, great kids, a very special family and amazing friends ... 

August 26, 2010

Last Minute Summer Fun ......

Wow....what a fun day, the kids and I took off for Knotts Berry Farm, on probably the hottest day of the summer!! Ryan carried water, lots of water, Nicole spotted shade wherever she could, and when there are no lines, you don't have time to get to overheated... Look at these smiles ... thats what it's all about!!!!
Big Foot Rapids ... We sure hope we get wet ... really wet ....

Hot ... Hot ... Hot ... Fun ...Fun ... Fun
Water ... we need water ....

Jaguar .... 3 times in a row ....

August 25, 2010


LIFE full of ups and downs, bumps and sharp turns... but I do believe that things happen as they are suppose to. Family is family, thru the good times and the bad, family is here to stay.

August 24, 2010

Play Ball .......

Pizza ..of course Nacho's too!!!

Take me out to the ball game ... what a great way to end summer ... A family outing to the Angel Game. And wow, did we have great tickets (thanks Stephanie and Kevin). The kids had a ball and so did Mark. I loved the fact that even I could read the names of players on their uniforms. fun night had by all.

August 22, 2010

Ryan's first Soccer Tournament of 2010 Fall Season

A busy weekend has come and gone and wow was it a ride. Ryan played in his first soccer tournament of the season. Our team "LMSA Real Madrid" elected to play in the "Brea Kick Off" tournament. This tournament hosted boys from all the surrounding cities up to the high desert. The boys played and played .. we tied, we lost, we tied, we lost, but they played with heart and they played clean. So proud of them for their first outing as a team. It was also a time to show off our new uniforms. We have away uniforms, we have home uniforms ( I just have more laundry). But a fun weekend was had by all!!! Proud of you Ryan

Erin's Bridal Shower

I can't believe that Erin is old enough to get married. My flower girl is now going to be a bride. My sweet cousin is still as sweet and beautiful as she was 20 years ago ... May you have a blessed life.. Some fun photo's from her shower....

2 Glorious Weeks in June Lake !!!!

Devil's Post Pile ... Wow

A special treat was the Sanchez clan got to join us for a few day ... we love our cousins

best friends ... wow these two are cute

Hailey and Nic had lots of bonding time....

Connor loved the lake ... he had so much fun ...

Nic is blessed .... she loves her auntie Heather .. and they really get each other... (blessed)

The three Friends .. wow they are grown up

Great fires .....

we love the fun times and how everyone get along ... Francisco, Nic and Ry

yes and Lily too

Special time with Papa on the lake

Wow ... what an amazing vacation. Two weeks of fun and relaxation as we fished, fished, fished some more, played games, watched the stars, had campfires, enjoyed family and friends, visited Devil's Post Pile, swam in lake (well really watched the kids and dogs swim in the lake, Nic and Ryan with shooting with grandpa ( they got lots of lessons and got to shoot a rifle, hand gun and semi-automatic) and just enjoyed eachother.