January 10, 2011

A Coin of Supoort

My journey and my coin ....
Back in September when I found out I was sick
a wonderful friend told me to remember
I am never alone and she gave me
a coin
she told me through all my appointments and tests
to hold on to this coin for strength and courage...
I want to say "Thank you"
I have held this coin in my hand, my pocket and close to my heart
and it has meant the world to me. I truely believe it gave me
strength and the knowledge that I blessed.. oh so blessed with
great family and friends...
who's love and support have helped me survive this journey and come out better for it in the end

The front of this beautiful pewter coin is a CROSS

and back reads ....
Lord, help me remember that nothing is going to happen
today that you and I can't handle
God's strength and love is endless and amazing ..

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