November 10, 2013

Update ......

My CT Scan results are in and Dr. Lowe and I spent a while going over the results and
 trying to come up with a game plan.
It shows there is incomplete healing in the peripheral margins of the patella and incomplete healing at the central union. There is a osteochondral defect at the patellar apex. Moderate prepatellar soft tissue edema. Along with some tendon thickening.
Haha, with that all said .... it's not healed yet !!!!
So, do we go in and operate so he can poke around (his words), he wants to remove the large pins to help my pain, but doesn't know if it's healed enough. Or, do we wait and see if any more healing takes place, then operate. Well, Christmas is right around the corner and he said there is isn't a right or wrong answer. So we wait .. we hope !!!!
In six weeks we will re-x-ray, maybe even re-CT scan and plan surgery, with hopefully a bit more healing ..... We wait !!!! In the mean time I'm hoping to get re-approved for more therapy to help strengthen my leg and get more mobility.
Keep you posted !!!!

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